+359 888 787 607

Accounting and Economic

National Insurance Institute – http://www.nssi.bg/;

National Health Insurance Fund – http://www.nhif.bg/bg/default.phtml?w=1366&h=728;

Electronic services with free access Knapp ( Information for health insurance status, health insurance calendar reference for companies registered for VAT , payments to Knapp ) – http://inetdec.nra.bg/freesrvinfo.html;

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy – http://www.mlsp.government.bg/bg/index.asp;

Entries deletions and the Commercial Register –  http://public.brra.bg/CheckUps/Default.ra?0;

Commercial register – http://www.brra.bg;

Property Register – http://www.icadastre.bg/index.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f;

Register of property relations of spouses – http://www.mrra.bg;

Union of Accountants in Bulgaria – http://www.lex.bg/;


22-24 Mayor Parvan Toshev Str., apt. 1, Sofia 1408, Bulgaria